Spearing Tips!

   I have found that a fresh 12 to 14 inch sucker minnow works best. Too small and the pike will tear it to shreads too big and good luck keeping it from tangling in decoy lines. I have tried using the same minnow for 3 weeks in a row before but truth be told the pike like a fresh lively one.

   If fishing is slow try using a decoy that you dont usually use or try a new different color. Even adding a spoon without a hook to the tail of a decoy can make that big one come in for a closer look.

   When looking for a spot to put your spear house don't follow the crowd. Instead use a lake map or use your own experience to put it where there is a good drop off or weed point. Sometimes even a weed flat can work good. Your best odds at a big fish is to not be where everyone else is.

    Most all spear-fisherman know this, but it can be a common mistake especially when the big one comes. Before you throw the spear make sure the tines are completely below the water. If you do this the spear will be more silent and accurate. If you forget to do this you will make a splash possibly scaring your fish away and your spear could also plaine away from where you actually want it to go.